Monthly Archives: February 2015

And we’re off!

We kept you waiting longer than we said we would, but trust us, the wait was even tougher on our side. We’ve been eager to share Writers Circle: the Series with you since we started writing it in May of 2013, and now… now the day has finally come.

We are live! Season one is on the air! And as a “thank you” for your patience, we’re launching with a double-header! Check out the first two episodes now! If you like them, there’s a button you can click that declares that. Go ahead and press it. Then help us entertain the world by sharing the series with everyone you know. And to make sure you don’t miss an episode, subscribe to our channel.

Enjoy our first two episodes, then we’ll meet back here on March 5th for episode three, and every Thursday morning after that until the season’s finished!

You can find all the available episodes on our “Episodes” page. Which is why we called it that.

Episode one: The Vicious Circle

Episode two: Funeral For a Friend

Slight delay

Hey there fans and soon-to-be-fans.

Yes, we did say that the first episode would be launching right around now, and nobody’s more excited to get these episodes out into the world than us. However, we’re committed to making sure this first season is every bit as good as we can make it. So we’ve pushed our premiere back a couple of weeks to do another post-production polish.

We want you to love watching this show as much as we’ve loved putting it together for you. Well, as much as Dan, Keith, and the cast have loved putting it together. Ian and Patrick were made to suffer, there’s nothing we can do about that. Well, there’s nothing we will do about that.

Our double-header premiere is coming your way soon, followed by one episode a week until our big finale. And it’s gonna be a great ride.